Well, after five months of waiting my husband and I finally know we are having a baby boy! If you read my previous blog on gender, I guess that Chinese gender calender was right, I am having a boy. At week 20 to 21 you are able to get a nice ultra sound where the doctor can tell if you are having a boy or a girl. I really like my doctor because he provides me with 2D and 3D pictures. He also includes a DVD of the baby which is awesome!
My husband and I have been thinkin of names for a while. He uploaded some pregnancy app to his and my iphone. The app is cool because you enter your due date and the app will tell you week by week what the baby is doing, how much it weighs, the length, tips for mom, baby names, pictures of what the baby should look like, and much more. So we have been using our iPhone app to select names. Of coarse, my husband being a Laker fan wants the baby to be named Kobe which is not happening! As you may know the woman is always right so there will be no Kobe in this family. Since my husband collects Jordan shoes I suggested the name Jordan and he thought that was a cool name. So early on we decided if we were having a boy his name would be Jordan Joseph Nguyen. Little J.J. it has a nice ring to it. I didn't want to put my husbands name, Joseph, as the first name because the baby will forever be known as Jr. or Little Joe which I also did not like. So that's how we came up with a name.
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