I always kept postponing pregnancy. I would always say I would have children after I finish my Bachelor's degree, after I get a job, after I buy a car, and after I buy a house. As I accomplished my goals my mother asked me when was she going to be a grandmother? I told her until I finish my master's or until I turn 30. That is when my mom said "if you keep waiting for the right time it will never happen. There will always be something you want to do or need to do". I hate to say it but my mother was right. It was not until the doctor diagnosed my mother with uterine tumors that I realized how selfish I was. I kept waiting for what I thought was the right time or should I say when it was more convenient for me instead of really thinking of what was most important, family. When I heard the word tumors I automatically thought of the c-word, cancer. I thought oh my goodness my mom will never be able to see grand kids or see me get older. That is when I decided to throw all of my excuses out the window and realized that my mother was right. There will never be a right time to have children. So when my husband and I found out we were expecting our first child we were both excited. You can only imagine how happy my parents were. I was also fortunate to find out my mother's tumors were uterine fibroids and not cancer. I was so relieved. I'm starting to think she tricked me. I guess everything works out the way it should be.
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