My husband and I are anxious to find out the gender of the baby. The doctor’s will tell us the gender in two and a half weeks. I guess it’s a good thing that I do not know the gender because I think I would have gone crazy shopping. My husband said I better not be purchasing a lot of baby clothes because babies seem to grow out of them quickly. Why is he always right! My husband and I come from big families. My husband’s family has five boys and one girl and in my family we are five girls and one boy. I guess we were meant to be. My mother in-law would like a granddaughter and my mother would like a grandson. As for me, I really do not have a preference as long as the baby is healthy. Since this will be the first grand child for both families this grand baby will definitely be spoiled! According to the Chinese calendar gender pridictor I will be having a boy. We will see what happens!